A Few Steps To Create A Backup In Magento 2 Admin Panel

In the previous Magento 2 article, we described a manual of index triggers event in Magento 2. In this article, we will describe how to create a back up in Magento 2 admin panel

Magento Open Source allows store administrators to back up different parts of the installation, for example, the file system, database, and media files, and to recover automatically. A record for each backup displays in the table grid of the Backups page. Deleting a record from the list removes the archived file as well. Database backup files are compressed using the .GZ format. and the .TGZ format is used for the system backups and database and media backups. As a best practice, you should restrict access to backup tools, and back up before installing extensions and updates.


Restrict access to backup tools. You can restrict access to the Backups and Rollback management tool by configuring user permissions for backup and rollback resources. To limit access, unselect the corresponding checkbox. If you need to grant access to recover resources, you must allow access to backup resources.

Back up before installing extensions and updates. Before you install an extension or update, always perform a backup. You can use the backup option in the Component Manager that you can use before upgrading to a new release or installing an extension.

Backups in magento 2

Follow these steps to create a backup:

1. On the Admin sidebar, click System. Under Tools, click Backups.
2. Select the backup type you want to create by clicking the button on the right:

System Backup

Creates a complete backup of the database and the file system. During the process, you can include the media folder in the backup.

Database and Media Backup

Creates a backup of the database and the media folder.

Database Backup

Creates a backup of the database.

3. To change to the maintenance mode during the backup, select the checkbox. After that, maintenance mode is turned off automatically.
4. For a system backup, mark the Include Media folder to System Backup checkbox if you want to include the media folder. Confirm the action.

To schedule backups

1. On the Admin sidebar, tap Stores. Then under Settings, click Configuration.
2. On the left of the panel under Advanced, click System.
3. Open the Scheduled Backup Settings tab, and do the following:
4. When complete, tap Save Config.

A Manual Of Index Trigger Events In Magento 2 Admin Panel

An Easy Way To Configure Index Management In Magento 2 Admin Panel

Whenever one or more items change, Magento reindexes automatically. Any action such as price changes, creating catalog or shopping cart price rules, adding new categories, and so on can activate reindexing. Magento accumulates data into special tables using indexers to optimize performance. The indexed tables must be updated or reindexed when the data changed. Your store remains accessible during the reindexing background processes.

Reindexing data boost speed of processing, and reduces the waiting time of the customer. For example, if you edit the price of a product from 4$ to 3$, Magento reindexes the data to display the price change in the store. Without indexing, Magento has to calculate the price of every product on the fly, taking into account shopping cart price rules, bundle pricing, discounts, tier pricing, and so on. Customers have to wait longer to see the product.


  • Index Management has a slightly different presentation for flat product catalogs.
  • To avoid problems when multiple Admin users update objects that trigger automatic reindexing, we recommend that you set all indexers to run on schedule as cron jobs. Otherwise, every time an object is saved, any objects with interdependencies might cause a deadlock. Symptoms of a deadlock include high CPU usage and MySQL errors. As a best practice, we recommend that you use scheduled indexing.

Follow these steps to change the index mode:

On the admin sidebar click System > Under Tools, click Index Management

Tick the checkbox to select indexer as you want, set action to Update on Save or Update by Schedule and click Submit to apply.

Above is a tutorial on how to configure index management in Magento 2 admin panel. We hope that you can optimize the loading progress of your website after reading this guideline. See you in the next article. 


A Simple Way To Configure The Full-Page Cache In Magento 2 Admin Panel

To display category, product, and CMS pages quickly, Magento Open Source uses full-page caching on the server. Full-page caching enhance response time and reduces the load on the server, Magento Open Source uses full-page caching on the server. Without caching, each page might need to run blocks of code and retrieve information from the database. However, with full-page caching enabled, a fully-generated page can be read directly from the cache.

We recommend using Varnish only in a production environment.

The system can use the cached content to process the requests from similar types of visits. Pages shown to a casual visitor might differ from those shown to a customer. For the purposes of caching, there are 3 types of visit:

Non-sessioned: During a non-sessioned visit, a customer views pages but does not interact with the store. The system caches the content of each page viewed and serves them to other non-sessioned customers.

Sessioned: During a sessioned visit, customers who interact with the store through activities such as comparing products or adding products to the shopping cart, are assigned a session ID. Cached pages that are generated during the session are used only by that customer during the session.

Customer: Customer sessions are created for those who have registered for an account while logged in to their accounts. During the session, special offers, promotions, and prices that are based on the customer group to which they are assigned can be present to them.

For technical information, see Configure and Use Varnish and Use Redis for the Magento page and default cache in the developer documentation.

To configure the full-page cache, you can follow these steps:

  1. On the Admin sidebar, click Stores. Under Settings, click Configuration.
  2. On the left of the panel under Advanced, select System.
  3. Open the Full Page Cache tabconfig-advanced-system-full-page-cache
  4. Set Caching Application to one of these options:Built-in ApplicationVarnish Caching
  5. Enter the TTL for public content (the default value is 86400) to set the time-out for the page cache
  6. If using Varnish, complete the Varnish Configuration section as follows
    • In the Access list field, enter the IP addresses that can purge the Varnish configuration to generate a config file. Separate multiple entries with a comma. The default value is “localhost.”
    • In the Backend host field, enter the IP address of the backend host that generates config files. The default value is “localhost.”
    • In the Backend port field, identify the backend port that is used to generate config files. The default value is: “8080.”
    • Click the button for the version of Varnish that you use to export the configuration as a varnish.vcl file, Export VCL for Varnish 3

    Export VCL for Varnish 4


  7.  Click Save Config

4 Steps To Control Cache Management In Magento 2 Admin Panel

In this chapter, we will describe performing routine index and cache management operations, back-up the system, and use tools that help Support team troubleshoots and fix problems.

In Magento 2 default installation, the cache management system is an easy way to enhance the performance of your website. You can click the link to cache management and refresh the invalid caches instead of using the command code.


The status of each primary cache and its associated tag displayed in the Cache Management page. Refresh your browser after clearing cache to see the most recent files.

Cache Management Role Resources allows store administrators to assign access to specific cache maintenance actions to users.


  • Follow these steps to refresh specific caches:system-cache-management-invalid
  1. Click the Cache Management link
  2. On the Admin sidebar click System > Cache Management

Mark the checkbox to select the cache you want to refresh, set the action to Refresh and click Submit.

  • Follow these steps to mass action:

Set Mass Action to Select All or Select Visible, tick the checkbox of each cache to be targeted by the action, set action to refresh and click Submit.

  • Follow these steps to flush the product image cache:

In the Cache Management page, click Flush Catalog Images Cache to delete pre-generated product image files. You will see the message “Image cache was cleaned”

Remember to also clear browser cache.

  • Follow these steps to flush the JavaScript/CSS cache:

In the Cache Storage Management page, under Additional Cache Management, click Flush JavaScript/CSS Cache to clear JavaScript and CSS files that have been merged into a single file. Don’t forget to clear your browser cache.

  • Control Descriptions
Mass Actions Tick the checkbox of multiple caches. Options include

Select All Tick the checkbox of all caches.
Unselect All Clears the checkbox of all caches.
Select Visible Tick the checkbox of all visible caches.
Unselect Visible Clears the checkbox of all visible caches


Actions Decide the action to be applied to all selected caches. Options include:

Enable Enables all selected caches.
Disable Disables all selected caches.
Refresh Refreshes all selected caches.


Submit Applies the action to all selected caches.
  • Cache Description

Flush Magento Cache Deletes all items in the default Magento cache (var/cache), according to their associated Magento tags.
Flush Cache Storage Deletes all items from the cache, regardless of Magento tag. If your system uses an alternate cache location, any cached files used by other applications are removed in the process.
Flush Catalog Images Cache Deletes all automatically resized and watermarked catalog images that are stored at media/catalog/product/cache. If recently uploaded images aren’t reflected in the catalog, try flushing the catalog and refreshing your browser.
Flush JavaScript/CSS Cache Deletes the merged copy of JavaScript and CSS files in the cache. If recent changes to the CSS or JS aren’t displayed in your online store, try flushing the JavaScript/CSS cache and refreshing your browser.
Flush Static Files Cache Deletes preprocessed view files and static files.
  • Cache Management Role Resources

Configuration Various XML configurations that were collected across modules and merged. Associated Tag: CONFIG

System: config.xml


Module: config.xml


Layouts Layout building instructions.


Blocks HTML output Page blocks HTML. Associated Tag: BLOCK_HTML
Collections Data Collection data files. Associated Tag: COLLECTION_DATA
Reflection Data Clears API interface reflection data, that is typically generated during runtime.
Database DDL operations Results of DDL queries, such as describing tables or indexes.

Associated Tag: DB_DDL

EAV types and attributes Entity types declaration cache. Associated Tag: EAV
Customer Notification Temporary notifications that display in the user interface.
Integrations Configuration Integration configuration file. Associated Tag: INTEGRATION
Integrations API Configuration Integrations API configuration file.


Page Cache Full page caching. Associated Tag: FPC
Translations Translation files. Associated Tag: TRANSLATE
Web Services Configuration REST and SOAP configurations generated WSDL file.

Associated Tag: WEBSERVICE

Cache Management
Clean Cache Actions

Flush Cache Storage

Fluch Magento Cache

Cache Type Management

Toggle Cache Type

Refresh Cache Type

Additional Cache Management

Catalog Images Cache

Flush Js/Css

Flush Static Files