How To Configure Currency In Magento 2 Admin Panel

How To Configure Currency In Magento 2 Admin Panel

In the default installation of Magento 2, the scope of the base currency is set to global, which allows the base currency setting to the entire store hierarchy. By setting the scope to the website level, you can manage multiple base currencies.

Specify the currency you accept, and the currency you want to display for prices. In this picture, each website can have a different base currency

Configure Currency In Magento 2
Scope of Base Currency

Step 1: Choose the Accepted Currencies

  1. On the admin sidebar click Stores, under Settings click Configuration.
  2. Set Store View to the Store View where you want to apply the configuration
  3. Under General select Currency Setup.
  4. Open Currency Options tab and do these steps:
  • Uncheck all Use system value box
  • Set Base Currency to the main currency that you want to transaction.
  • Set Default Display Currency to the display pricing currency in store view
  • In Allowed Currencies, select all payment currencies in the store view including main currency.
  1. Click Close (X) and refresh cache.
  2. Do these step to define the scope of the base currency:
  • On the left of the panel under Catalog, select Catalog. Scroll down and open Price tab.
  • Set Catalog Price Scope to Global or Website.
Price in configure currency in magento 2

Step 2: Configure the Import Connection

  1. Back to the top. Under General select Currency Setup.
  2. Open the WebserviceX tap.
  3. Enter the number of seconds of inactivity in the Connection Timeout in Seconds field to allow before the connection times out.

Step 3: Configure the Scheduled Import Settings

  1. Open the Scheduled Import Settings tab
  2. Set Enable to “Yes” and do these steps:
  • Set Service to the rate provider. The default value is “Webservicex.”
  • Set Start Time to the hour, minute, and second to schedule the updating of rates.
  • Set the Frequency to one of the following: Daily, Monthly, Weekly
  • In the Error Email Recipient field, insert the email of the person who is to receive the email notification if an error occurs during the import process. Separate each email with a comma (,) to enter multiple email addresses.
  • Set Error Email Sender to the store contact that displays as the sender of the error notification.
  • Set Error Email Template to the error notification email template.
  1. Click Save after completed
  2. Refresh the cache in Cache Management

Step 4: Update the Currency Rates

The currency rates must be updated with the current values before they go into effect. To update the rates manually or to import the rates automatically, follow the instructions.

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