An Overview of Product Settings in Magento 2


Product settings are the completion of necessary information needed to create a new product for your Magento store. While the settings are different among six types of products in a Magento store, the structure of setting fields is the same for all of them. The most familiar product settings and attributes are located at the top of the page whereas other product settings lie at the bottom of the page, and they can be expanded or hidden from the page.

There also are advanced settings for the product price and its inventory status in the very first section. You can access these settings by clicking the Advanced link below the Price and Quantity fields. In the Advanced Pricing section, you can set a special price for your product with a specific time range, set the store view limitation, etc… For the Advanced Inventory, you can set the minimum or maximum number of product quantity allowed in a shopping cart and many other special settings.

Product settings

The additional settings are found at the bottom of the product settings page. These settings might appear when the product is saved for the first time. To uncover or hide the settings, you need to tap the expanded or collapsed button next to your intended section. Some of the settings are available for all types of products, and others are just available for a specific type of product. The general settings include Content; Product Reviews; Images and Videos; Search Engine Optimization; Related Product, Up-sells, Cross-sells; Products in Websites; Designs; Scheduled Design Updates; and Gift options. The specific settings for different types of a Magento product are Configurations; Customizable Options; Downloadable Information; Grouped Product; and Bundle Items.


Provided above are general information about product settings for online stores using  Magento platform. You can learn more about advanced settings and other settings in our upcoming articles.

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